
Keeping the audience informed is a core mission for DemiCare website. In this section, you will be given quick access to late-breaking or urgent updates on the project’s progress.

Tanzen Sie zu Musik

Sowohl körperliche Aktivität als auch das Hören von Musik wirken sich positiv auf Menschen mit Demenz aus. Warum versuchen Sie nicht, beides zu kombinieren? Tanzen ist nicht nur eine Kunst, die Profis in einem Ballsaal ausüben. Eigentlich ist Tanzen eine rhythmische Bewegung zur Musik. Wenn die Person eine funktionelle Beeinträchtigung

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Dance to music

Both physical activity and listening to music have a positive impact on people with dementia. Why not try combining the two? Dancing is not only the art that professionals do in a ballroom. To be technical about it, dancing is moving rhythmically to music. If the person has functional impairment,

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Praten over beelden uit het verleden

Zoek foto's van gebeurtenissen uit het verleden, beroemdheden, sportkampioenschappen en mensen die vroeger in de media waren. Probeer er geen quiz van te maken. In plaats van te zeggen: Weet je nog waar dat vandaan komt? zou een andere aanpak kunnen zijn: "Ik weet nog dat Heike

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Discutați despre fotografii sau imagini din trecut

Găsiți imagini din evenimente trecute, celebrități, campionate sportive și oameni care au fost în mass-media. Încercați să nu o transformați într-un test. În loc să spui: "îți amintești de unde este asta?", o altă abordare ar putea fi „Îmi amintesc când Anisoara Cușmir-Stanciu a câștigat medalia de aur

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Unterhalten Sie sich über Bilder aus der Vergangenheit

Finden Sie Bilder von vergangenen Veranstaltungen, Prominenten, Sportmeisterschaften und Menschen, die früher in den Medien waren. Versuchen Sie, es nicht zu einem Quiz zu machen. Anstatt zu sagen: Weißt du noch, woher das kommt? könnte ein anderer Ansatz sein: "Ich erinnere mich, als Heike Gabriela Drechsler bei den Olympischen

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Discuss images from the past

Find images from past events, celebrities, sport championships and people that used to be in the media. Try to not make it into a quiz. Instead of saying: Do you remember where this is from? Another approach could be “I remember when Anisoara Cușmir-Stanciu won the gold medal in the

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The DemiCare project has been funded by the Active and Assisted Living programme. AAL is a European programme funding innovation that keeps people connected, healthy, active and happy into their old age.

AAL supports the development of products and services that make a real difference to people’s lives - for those facing some of the challenges of ageing and for those who care for older people if they need help.

The project has an overall budget of 2.029.091,76 €, to which the AAL will contribute with 1.477.535,07 €