Our solution

Personalised and data-driven support for informal caregivers and persons with dementia. Based on a former project (SUCCESS, AAL-2016-089), a more advanced support system is created by integrating vital data gained with non-intrusive sensors like ECG and GPS providing smart watches and a novel innovative intelligent sole. Based on the AI system, relevant information is extracted automatically under consideration of co-morbidities of the person with dementia and made accessible in a barriere-free way via an avatar-based app and collected data will be provided also to personal health records.

  • Reported behavioral symptoms and other diagnosis
  • Biosignals
  • Relationship between career and PwD, everyday activities
  • Carer’s knowledge and background
  • Supporting ecosystem
  • Personalized training content for dementia-friendly interaction and coping with behavioral symptoms
  • Forecast of symptoms and coping strategies
  • Ethical, agency-enabling data sharing between PwD and carer and with the ecosystem
  • Unobtrusive, pleasant and effective reminders for wearable usage
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The innovative aspects based on each component of DemiCare:

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The DemiCare project has been funded by the Active and Assisted Living programme. AAL is a European programme funding innovation that keeps people connected, healthy, active and happy into their old age.

AAL supports the development of products and services that make a real difference to people’s lives - for those facing some of the challenges of ageing and for those who care for older people if they need help.

The project has an overall budget of 2.029.091,76 €, to which the AAL will contribute with 1.477.535,07 €