
Das Publikum auf dem Laufenden zu halten ist eine Kernmission für die Demicare -Website. In diesem Abschnitt erhalten Sie einen schnellen Zugriff auf spät brechen oder dringende Aktualisierungen über den Fortschritt des Projekts.

DemiCare presented at AAL AUSTRIA Praxiskonferenz 2023

The AAL AUSTRIA Praxiskonferenz is an annual event aimed at bringing together developers of innovative care solutions and representatives from the Austrian care sector. This year, the event took place on December 12th in Linz/Austria. At this event, the final prototype of the DemiCare system was presented to interested

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DemiCare live project meetings

Today and yesterday we have been kindly hosted by INCRA in Ancona for our project meetings. All in all the two days have been very productive with great outcomes. We will be able to start the testing within 4 weeks from now.

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DemiCare research paper published

The aim of this study was to analyze the opinions of perons with dementia aged 65 years and over and their ICs and healthcare professionals, on the use of digital technology to support care activities.

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Virtual project meetings

We are having two days of virtual meetings with the entire consortium. It was good to get a proper understanding of where we are in the development of our entire service. The testing phase is running smoothly and we received feedback from the users. Based upon that we are planning

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First "live" project meetings

Today and tomorrow, we have the first live meetings at AIT offices in Vienna. We started with workshops to understand the complexity of Alzheimer and Dementia. It was really interesting to find out what happens in case of Dementia. This workshop would be a "must do" for any

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Das Demicare -Projekt wurde vom Programm für das aktive und betreutes Wohnen finanziert. AAL ist ein europäisches Programm, das Innovation finanziert, die Menschen in ihrem Alter in Verbindung, gesund, aktiv und glücklich hält.

AAL unterstützt die Entwicklung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen, die das Leben der Menschen wirklich beeinflussen - für diejenigen, die sich einigen der Herausforderungen des Alterns gegenübersehen, und für diejenigen, die ältere Menschen betreuen, wenn sie Hilfe benötigen.

Das Projekt hat ein Gesamtbudget von 2,029.091,76 €, zu dem das AAL mit 1,477,535.07 € beitragen wird