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Dementia is affecting everyday life and can make many regular tasks seem increasingly problematic. Suddenly simple tasks like getting dressed, having a bath or making a cup of coffee gradually become problematic. For example, it’s no longer obvious what to put on first when getting dressed, how to use

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Apathie kan worden omschreven als een gebrek aan interesse in dingen of een voortdurend gebrek aan motivatie om dingen te doen. Apathie komt veel vaker voor bij mensen met dementie dan bij ouderen zonder dementie.

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Aggression / Ärger verbal

Verbaler Missbrauch geschieht häufiger als körperliche Aggression. Die Person kann schreien, fluchen oder Anschuldigungen und Drohungen aussprechen. Oft kann die Person verbal aggressiv werden, weil sie frustriert ist oder weil sie missversteht, was vor sich geht. Manchmal kann es die Folge körperlicher Schmerzen sein oder eine Überreizung durch laute Geräusche

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Aanpassen van de woning

Dementie veroorzaakt veranderingen in de hersenen en het lichaam die de veiligheid thuis kunnen beïnvloeden. Er zijn veel potentiële risico's in huis en aanpassingen kunnen belangrijk zijn om ongelukken te voorkomen en verwarring te verminderen. Daarnaast kunnen personen met dementie baat hebben bij een herkenbare en overzichtelijke leefruimte.

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Modificare l'ambiente domestico

La demenza causa cambiamenti nel corpo e nella mente che possono influire sulla sicurezza domestica. Ci sono molti rischi potenziali in casa, e alcune modifiche potrebbero essere importanti per prevenire gli incidenti e ridurre la confusione. Inoltre, le persone affette da demenza possono beneficiare di un ambiente riconoscibile e organizzato.

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Adjusting the home

Dementia cause changes in the brain and body that may affect home safety. There are many potential risks in the home, and adjustments might be important to prevent accidents and reduce confusion. In addition, persons with dementia can profit from a recognizable and organized living space. However, extensive renovation can

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The DemiCare project has been funded by the Active and Assisted Living programme. AAL is a European programme funding innovation that keeps people connected, healthy, active and happy into their old age.

AAL supports the development of products and services that make a real difference to people’s lives - for those facing some of the challenges of ageing and for those who care for older people if they need help.

The project has an overall budget of 2.029.091,76 €, to which the AAL will contribute with 1.477.535,07 €