
Keeping the audience informed is a core mission for DemiCare website. In this section, you will be given quick access to late-breaking or urgent updates on the project’s progress.

Sociaal, fysiek, mentaal, creatief

Soms kan een persoon met dementie zijn interesse verliezen in recreatieve en vrijetijdsactiviteiten waar hij voorheen van genoot. De persoon kan de activiteit moeilijk of vermoeiend vinden, wat kan leiden tot frustratie of woede. Geheugenverlies kan het vermogen om activiteiten te starten of te stoppen verminderen. Iemand met dementie actief

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Activități intelectuale și creative

Câteodată, o persoană cu demență își pierde interesul pentru anumite activități care în trecut îi făceau plăcere. El/ea ar putea găsi acum că activitatea respectivă este dificilă și îl/o obosește, ceea ce poate genera frustrare sau furie. Problemele de memorie ar putea de asemenea să îi limiteze abilitaea

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Geistige und kreative Aktivitäten

Manchmal kann eine Person mit Demenz ihr Interesse an Erholungs- und Freizeitaktivitäten, welche sie zuvor genossen hat, verlieren. Es ist möglich, dass die Person die Aktivität als schwer oder ermüdend empfindet, was zu Frustration oder Ärger führen kann. Beeinträchtigungen des Gedächtnisses können die Fähigkeit Aktivitäten zu starten oder zu beenden

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Mental and creative activities

Sometimes, a person with dementia can lose their interest in recreational and leisure activities they used to enjoy doing. The person might find the activity difficult and tiring, which can cause feelings of frustration or anger. Memory impairments can reduce the person’s ability to start or complete the activity.

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Activități fizice

Demența are atât simptome cognitive, comportamentale dar și simptome fizice. Pentru a menține funcționalitatea și pentru a reduce plictiseala și frustrarea - care pot cauza comportamente dificile - este important ca persoanele cu demență să fie active. Activitatea fizică poate reprezenta o distracție bine venită de la stresul generat de

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Körperliche Aktivität

Demenz zeigt sich in geistigen, verhaltensbezogenen und körperlichen Symptomen. Um die körperliche Funktion beizubehalten und Langweile und Frustration als Ursache von schwer handhabbarem Verhalten zu reduzieren, ist es wichtig, Personen mit Demenz aktiv zu halten. Körperliche Aktivität kann eine willkommene Ablenkung vom Stress der Krankheit sein und Personen helfen, sich

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The DemiCare project has been funded by the Active and Assisted Living programme. AAL is a European programme funding innovation that keeps people connected, healthy, active and happy into their old age.

AAL supports the development of products and services that make a real difference to people’s lives - for those facing some of the challenges of ageing and for those who care for older people if they need help.

The project has an overall budget of 2.029.091,76 €, to which the AAL will contribute with 1.477.535,07 €