Listen to music

You can create a personalized play-list and place it on an electronic device (iPods, smartphones, etc). Creating the playlist together might be a fun activity. Later, you can bring forth the playlist you created, and listen to it together.

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Listen to podcasts/audio books

In the early stages of dementia, the pleasure of the written word can be enjoyable. Listening to audio books can help close the gap for those having trouble reading. Try to find books or podcasts without too many twists and turns. Radio shows can be a nice, as they are

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Look through a photo album together

Looking through and talking about people and places can be a way of doing reminiscence work. Talk about what you see in the pictures, and avoid asking questions making it into a quiz. Remember that talking about the past can trigger strong emotions. Make sure you allow the person you

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Make a rummaging box

Rummaging can be distracting and difficult to handle for you as a caregiver. Attempting to stop the rummaging can cause agitation, paranoia and can make the person even more determined to do it. Try to make it into an activity! Filling boxes or drawers with things they are attracted to,

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Play familiar games

Easy family games such as lawn games can be a nice distraction from the stress of dementia. You can try horseshoes, croquet, boccia, cubbs etc. If the season or the functional status of the person demands you to stay inside, look for indoor versions at the toy store for bowling,

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Set the table

Setting the table can be a both physically and mentally challenging task, when a person has dementia. However, tasks with the right amount of challenge is beneficial to keep mental and physical function. Ask the person to help you, and clearly state what you expect from them. “Can you help

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