Activități intelectuale și creative

Câteodată, o persoană cu demență își pierde interesul pentru anumite activități care în trecut îi făceau plăcere. El/ea ar putea găsi acum că activitatea respectivă este dificilă și îl/o obosește, ceea ce poate genera frustrare sau furie. Problemele de memorie ar putea de asemenea să îi limiteze abilitaea

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Mental and creative activities

Sometimes, a person with dementia can lose their interest in recreational and leisure activities they used to enjoy doing. The person might find the activity difficult and tiring, which can cause feelings of frustration or anger. Memory impairments can reduce the person’s ability to start or complete the activity.

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Do gardening or arrange flowers

There are many activities involving plants people with dementia might find enriching. Depending on the season, you can find different activities appropriate. In the spring, you can prepare beds and borders for planting, plant seeds and plants, cutting grass, watering, rake leaves etc. If there is a view towards a

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Listen to music

You can create a personalized play-list and place it on an electronic device (iPods, smartphones, etc). Creating the playlist together might be a fun activity. Later, you can bring forth the playlist you created, and listen to it together.

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Make art together

Get creative! Drawing, collages, painting, photography, woodworking, jewelry making; only your imagination sets limits for how you can make art. It can be a nice way to stimulate creativity, and facilitate a good time spent together. Depending on what the person you are caring for needs, you might need to

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Visit a museum

Do some research into your local facilities. Many museums offer dementia-friendly exhibitions, workshops and guiding. If the venue has not published anything on the topic, it can be helpful to contact them. They can help you adapt experiences to suit better for persons with dementia. Sharing experiences of culture can

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