Inappropriate dressing or disrobing

It’s not always possible to determine why a person with dementia choses to disrobe inappropriately. It is, however, possible to take note of when the person starts to fiddle with their clothes or tries to disrobe. Maybe you will notice a pattern. Try to find out if the person

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Hiding and/or losing objects

People with dementia can search for things they believe they have lost and get upset about it. Sometimes they have forgotten where they put the item and sometimes the item doesn’t even exist but is a memory from the past. Hidden or lost objects can be a source of

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False accusations

It’s not unusual that a person with dementia makes accusations against people around them at some point. Common accusations are stealing or that someone is trying to harm the person. It can be hurtful and distressing to be charged with false accusations from the person with dementia. The accusations

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Failure to recognise people

During the disease, a person with dementia may eventually lose the ability to recognise things, places or people. This can be because of memory loss, confusion or poor eyesight, but it could also be due to “agnosia”. Agnosia is when the brain no longer is able to remember things or

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